Empress Eugenie Tiara

Empress Eugenie Tiara
Empress Eugenie Tiara

Friday, September 10, 2010


Welcome to my blog.....Eugenie's Royal Jewels!

I possess a love of all things Royal...the pomp, the tradition, the history and the jewels. I know a LOT (but always willing to learn) about the first three and very little about the jewels.  This blog will allow me to put jewels in the same context as the first three.  Don't get me wrong...I can look at a pair of earrings, a tiara, a ring and recognize the stone, and say I like this and I like that...but there is more to the jewelry than just the aesthetics.  There is, boys and girls...a history to some of the jewels that grace the royal houses today.  I am using this blog to learn more about the jewels that currently have a home with the present day Royals as well as jewels that don't.
Now about the name...well....I picked Eugenie because I simply love Eugenie of York. Unfortunately, there haven't been alot of occassions where Eugenie has gone into Grandma England's vault and borrowed a jewel or two...and honestly, there might not be one for a while. But Eugenie is one of my favorite British royals and well, how lucky are we that she was named after another favorite...........Queen Victoria Eugenie of Spain, who was in fact named after her godmother.....Empress Eugenie of France.

And so we begin with Empress Eugenie of France.

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